CONCRETE CAT - Point wise Analysis
- Dorthi Charles
- Concrete cat is an example of concrete poem.
- This poem is made for eye.
- This poem doesn't primarily focus on idea and emotion.
- The language has been used differently.
- There is the reduced language.
- Each and every black letter on the page takes the form of
limbs or organs of cat.
- This poem shows "cat" or "catness" in
- This poem is based on the assumption that a good poem
should reflect the true physical appearance of the
thing it wants to express.
- The poet has used 'stripestripes' in the middle portion of
the body. Here, 'stripes' means lines on the cat's body whereas 'tripes' refer
to the stomach. The poet has successfully been able to symbolize the cat having
lines on the cat's stomach and body. This is called pun and is a word game,
which has been figurative language making this poem a part of literature.
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